Loud stomach growling is a sign of hunger for many people, but our stomach also makes itself heard for other reasons.
It growls and rumbles loudly audibly from the middle of the body. What does our body want to signal to us with stomach growling? And how can we stop it when the situation demands it?
Most of the time, the so-called stomach growl is a sign that no more food can be processed. But sometimes, the loud noises coming from the body’s center have something else to do with it.
The digestive organs are constantly in motion and ensure the food is properly processed and transported further. The growling sound is consequently produced when your stomach is filled with food. However, the sound is muffled and difficult to hear.
Even just the thought of food can make your stomach growl. So, for less noise from the center of your body, you should consciously think of other things that will not tempt your stomach. You can also try meditation or drink extra water to calm your stomach growling. It would be best to chew with your mouth closed and gossip less during all your meals. Otherwise, more air will enter your stomach, making more growling noises.
- source: heute.at/picture: Bild von Darko Djurin auf Pixabay
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